
Top Flooring Options for Accessibility in NDIS Homes

ndis property

Navigating the world of flooring for NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) homes can be challenging. With the primary focus on accessibility and safety, selecting the right flooring is crucial for enhancing the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. In this article, we’ll explore the top flooring options that cater to the needs of NDIS homes, ensuring comfort, safety, and ease of mobility.

Understanding the Needs of NDIS Homes

When selecting flooring for NDIS homes, it’s vital to cater to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. These requirements often include:

  • Slip-resistant surfaces: This is crucial for preventing falls and injuries, a common concern in homes with mobility-impaired residents. The flooring should provide enough grip, especially in areas like bathrooms and kitchens, where the risk of slipping is higher.
  • Wheelchair accessibility: Smooth surfaces are essential for easy movement of wheelchairs. Transitions between different types of flooring should be minimal to avoid hindering wheelchair mobility. The flooring should also be durable enough to withstand the continuous pressure from wheelchair wheels without wearing out quickly.
  • Low maintenance: Homes designed for people with disabilities benefit from flooring that’s easy to clean and maintain. This includes resistance to stains and spills, and a surface that doesn’t require frequent refinishing or special cleaning agents.
  • Comfort and cushioning: Flooring that offers a certain degree of cushioning can be beneficial for reducing fatigue, especially for individuals who may spend a lot of time on their feet or those who are prone to falls.

Top Flooring Options

1. Vinyl Flooring


  • Durability: Vinyl flooring is known for its ability to resist scratches, stains, and wear, making it a long-lasting option for busy households.
  • Water-resistant: Its resistance to water makes it ideal for areas prone to moisture like bathrooms and kitchens, reducing the risk of slips and falls.
  • Variety of designs: Vinyl can mimic the look of more expensive materials like wood, stone, or ceramic, allowing for aesthetic flexibility without compromising on functionality.


  • VOC Emissions: Some vinyl flooring can emit volatile organic compounds, especially when new, which might be a concern for those with allergies or respiratory issues.

2. Rubber Flooring


  • High slip resistance: Rubber flooring offers excellent grip, significantly enhancing safety in homes where slip-and-fall accidents are a concern.
  • Shock absorption: This material is comfortable to walk and stand on, providing a cushioning effect that’s beneficial for joint health.
  • Sound dampening: Its ability to reduce noise levels can create a quieter and more peaceful living environment.


  • Limited design options: Rubber flooring may not offer as wide a range of styles and colors as other materials.

3. Cork Flooring


  • Natural cushioning: The softness of cork provides a comfortable walking surface, ideal for reducing fatigue.
  • Thermal insulation: Cork’s insulating properties help maintain consistent indoor temperatures, contributing to energy efficiency.
  • Eco-friendly: Being a sustainable resource, cork is an excellent choice for environmentally conscious homeowners.


  • Damage susceptibility: Cork can be prone to damage from sharp objects and may require careful use.

4. Linoleum


  • Natural materials: Made from renewable resources, linoleum is biodegradable and an eco-friendly option.
  • Antibacterial properties: This material is naturally resistant to bacteria, making it a hygienic choice for homes.
  • Versatility: Available in a range of patterns and colors, linoleum can fit various interior design themes.


  • Maintenance requirements: Linoleum floors may require regular waxing and sealing to maintain their appearance and durability.

5. Low-Pile Carpet


  • Softness: Provides a soft, warm surface underfoot, offering comfort and cushioning.
  • Noise reduction: Ideal for creating a quiet and serene environment, especially in homes where noise reduction is necessary.


  • Wheelchair maneuvering: Thick carpets can be challenging for wheelchairs to move on, making low-pile options more suitable.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Flooring

Safety First

Ensuring the safety of residents is paramount. Flooring should be chosen with slip resistance and smooth transitions in mind to minimize tripping hazards.

Maintenance and Durability

Consider how easy the flooring is to clean and maintain, and its ability to withstand the rigors of everyday use.

Aesthetic Appeal

While practicality is critical, the flooring should also enhance the visual appeal of the home, aligning with the overall interior design.


The cost of materials and installation should be weighed against the long-term benefits and lifespan of the flooring.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Professional Installation

Hiring professionals for installation is crucial to ensure the flooring is laid correctly, which can significantly impact its longevity and safety.

Regular Maintenance

Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning and maintenance will help extend the life of the flooring, keeping it in optimal condition.

Disabled man smiling while gaming in vr headset in wheelchair at home

Choosing the right flooring for NDIS properties is about balancing safety, functionality, and aesthetics. Vinyl, rubber, cork, linoleum, and low-pile carpet are excellent options, each offering unique benefits. Consider your specific needs, consult with professionals, and create a safe, comfortable, and accessible living environment.

Foot Traffic and Skin Health: Why a Clean Floor is Essential for Your Skincare Routine

House cleaning

When it comes to skincare, most people immediately think of cleansers, toners, moisturisers, and serums. These products often take centre stage in our daily rituals, promising a clearer, brighter, and healthier complexion. However, there’s a critical aspect of our surroundings that we might overlook when considering our skin’s health: our floors.

Yes, the cleanliness of your floor plays a significant role in your skincare routine, especially in terms of foot traffic and the consequent skin health. Here’s why:

1. The Connection Between Floors and Your Skin

Every day, our feet come into direct contact with floors. As we walk, run, or simply stand, any dirt, bacteria, or chemicals present on the surface can transfer onto our feet. These contaminants can then spread to other parts of our bodies or our living spaces, potentially affecting our overall skin health. Think of it as a domino effect where one dirty step can lead to multiple skin-related issues.

2. Transference of Bacteria and Allergens

One primary concern of unclean floors is the proliferation of bacteria and allergens. Floors can harbour various microorganisms, including Staphylococcus, E. coli, and other bacteria, as well as allergens like pollen, pet dander, and dust mites. When these come into contact with our skin, they can lead to infections, allergies, and other skin irritations. Those with sensitive skin or existing skin conditions can be particularly vulnerable.

3. Chemical Residues

If you’ve ever walked barefoot across a freshly cleaned floor and felt a sticky residue, you’ve likely encountered residual cleaning chemicals. While many modern floor cleaners are safe for use, they can still leave behind a residue that, when absorbed by the skin, can lead to dryness, itching, or rashes. Over time, repeated exposure can even disrupt the skin’s natural barrier, making it more susceptible to external irritants.

4. Physical Irritants

Besides microorganisms and chemicals, physical irritants like sand, tiny stones, or debris can cause abrasions or tiny cuts on our feet. These minor injuries can become entry points for bacteria, leading to infections. Moreover, rough floors can contribute to the formation of callouses or exacerbate conditions like plantar fasciitis.

5. Enhanced Skincare Benefits

A clean floor does more than prevent potential skin issues. When you ensure that your living space is free from contaminants, you enhance the effectiveness of your skincare routine. Imagine applying a moisturiser after a shower, only to walk on a dusty floor immediately after. Not only do you end up reducing the product’s efficacy, but you also negate some of its benefits by introducing new contaminants.

Steps to Maintain a Clean Floor for Optimal Skin Health

Knowing the profound connection between foot traffic and skin health, here are some steps you can adopt to maintain a clean floor and thereby support your skincare routine:

Regular Cleaning: Vacuum or sweep your floors regularly to remove dirt and debris. Consider mopping with a mild detergent once a week or as needed.

Opt for Natural Cleaners: Choose floor cleaners that are free from harsh chemicals. Natural cleaners like vinegar, baking soda, or essential oils can be effective without leaving harmful residues.

Use Floor Mats: Placing mats at entrances can help reduce the amount of dirt and pollutants brought inside by shoes.

Consider a ‘Shoes-Off’ Policy: Encourage family members and guests to remove their shoes when entering your home. This can drastically reduce the number of contaminants introduced to your living space.

Inspect and Repair: Periodically check for any damages, splinters, or sharp edges on your floor. Address them immediately to prevent potential injuries.

woman holding mop near bucket in living room

The journey to radiant, healthy skin isn’t limited to the products you apply on your face or body. It encompasses the entire environment in which you live, and that includes the floors you walk on daily. By understanding the critical link between foot traffic and skin health and taking proactive steps to maintain clean floors, you can enhance the benefits of your skincare routine and ensure that your skin remains in its best condition. So, the next time you indulge in a skincare ritual, remember: a clean floor is as essential as that favourite serum of yours!

The Importance Of Slip Resistance In Aged Care Flooring: A Guide For Facility Managers

slip resistance

Aged care facility managers must consider a number of factors when choosing flooring for their facilities, including slip resistance. It is essential to ensure that the flooring chosen is slip resistant and meets safety standards in order to provide a safe environment for residents. This article will discuss the importance of selecting slip-resistant flooring for aged care facilities, as well as outlining various types of slip-resistant flooring and associated maintenance considerations. While our focus extends beyond any specific location, including aged care in Brisbane, it’s essential to acknowledge the diverse requirements of aged care facilities in various regions across Australia.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Flooring

When selecting flooring for a facility, there are numerous aspects to be taken into account in order to ensure an appropriate product is chosen. Cost effectiveness should always be considered when making decisions as it is important to get the best value for money that meets the needs of the care home. Environmental factors should also be taken into consideration, such as whether or not the material is eco-friendly and if it will have a negative impact on air quality. Color choices must also be considered, since they can help create a calming atmosphere that promotes relaxation and well-being for residents. Installation methods must also be carefully studied in order to ensure the best fit possible with minimal disruption caused to existing facilities. Durability plays an important role here too; as a longer lasting product may incur less maintenance costs over time.

The ability of any floor covering to resist slipping is essential in aged care centers where elderly people are prone to falls due to reduced mobility or poor balance. It is essential for floors used in these environments to provide sufficient slip resistance which can prevent slips from happening in the first place. As such, measuring slip resistance should form part of any decision making process when choosing suitable floor coverings.

By considering all aspects of cost effectiveness, environmental factors, color choices, installation methods and durability – while taking extra attention with regards to ensuring adequate slip resistance – facility managers will have greater assurance that their final selection provides both optimal safety and comfort levels within their aged care environment

Measuring Slip Resistance in Flooring

Measuring slip resistance in flooring is essential for aged care facility managers to ensure safe and reliable surfaces. Slip testing methods are the primary way of measuring slip resistance, which involve assessing the coefficient of friction (COF) between a person’s foot and the floor surface. Anti-slip coatings can also be applied to floors to increase their COF, however these must be regularly maintained and re-applied as needed. Footwear choices are also important when considering slip resistance, as certain types of shoes may create different levels of friction on the floor depending on their material composition. Furthermore, factors such as the layout of the floor area and risk assessments should also be taken into account when determining how slippery a given space might be. Understanding all these elements is key for choosing appropriate flooring options that best meet an aged care facility’s safety needs. Additionally, it is important to consider other benefits that come with slip-resistant surfaces such as improved mobility and reduced falls among elderly residents.

Benefits of Slip-Resistant Flooring for Aged Care Facilities

Slip-resistant flooring can provide a variety of benefits to aged care facilities, promoting the health and wellbeing of both residents and staff. Aged care centers must be aware of slip prevention strategies, fall protection methods, and floor safety protocols in order to reduce the risk of slips or falls among elderly residents. By implementing slip-resistant flooring with higher surface traction, aged care facilities can prevent injury due to falls while also improving elderly mobility. Additionally, slip-resistant flooring is more aesthetically pleasing than traditional options as it comes in a variety of colors and textures that are easier to clean and maintain. This type of flooring also reduces noise levels and increases overall comfort for all individuals who use the facility. Furthermore, durable slip-resistant floors do not require replacement as often as other types which contributes to cost savings for aged care facilities in the long run. As such, there are multiple ways in which slip-resistant flooring provides benefits for aged care facilities. To ensure maximum safety for residents and staff alike, it is essential for facility managers to understand these advantages when selecting appropriate flooring materials. Moving forward, understanding the various types available will help facility managers make informed decisions about their aging care center’s needs.

Types of Slip-Resistant Flooring

Choosing the right type of slip-resistant flooring is essential for creating a safe and comfortable environment in aged care facilities. Slip-resistant floors are designed to reduce the risk of slips, falls, and other accidents that can cause injury or death among residents. There are a variety of different types of slip-resistant flooring materials available on the market, including:

  • Textured Surfaces – Textured surfaces are created by adding ridges and grooves into the surface of the flooring material. This provides additional traction to help prevent slips and falls, while still providing comfort for those walking on it.
  • Anti Slip Coatings – Anti slip coatings are specially formulated paints or spray-on treatments that can be applied to existing flooring materials to create a more slip resistant surface without changing the look or feel of the material. These coatings are often used in wet areas where extra traction is needed.
  • Wet Area Surfaces – Wet area surfaces such as non skid mats or non slip tiles provide additional grip when wet, making them ideal for bathrooms and other areas where water may be present. These surfaces also provide cushioning which helps reduce fatigue and increase comfort levels for those walking on them.

Slip-resistant flooring not only helps protect residents from slipping and falling but also reduces maintenance costs due to its durability over time. Knowing what type of flooring is best suited for an aged care facility will help ensure that it meets all safety requirements while still being aesthetically pleasing and cost effective in the long run. Maintenance and cleaning must also be considered when selecting an appropriate type of flooring; this will be discussed further in subsequent sections.

Maintenance and Cleaning of Slip-Resistant Flooring

Maintaining slip-resistant flooring is critical for creating a safe and comfortable environment in aged care facilities, with one study suggesting that up to 80% of all slips and falls can be attributed to inadequate cleaning or maintenance. In order to ensure the longevity of slip-resistant flooring in such environments, facility managers must take into consideration the frequency of cleaning, surface texture, installation costs, safety standards, and floor protection. Regular mopping with a mild detergent is typically recommended as part of routine maintenance for most types of slip-resistant flooring. Additionally, it is important for facility managers to pay particular attention to areas with high traffic and those prone to heavy soiling as these areas may require more frequent cleaning than others. Cleaners should also be mindful of the type of material used on the floors as some materials may require special cleaners or techniques for optimal results.

Surface texture plays an important role in determining the level of slip resistance offered by any particular type of flooring. Generally speaking, textured surfaces provide better traction compared to smooth surfaces due to their increased friction coefficient which helps prevent slips and falls from occurring. Facility managers should consider this aspect when selecting the right type of slip-resistant flooring for their premises as different textures may have different levels of safety compliance requirements associated with them. Furthermore, installation costs should also be taken into account when selecting a suitable type of flooring since certain types may require additional labor costs due to their complexity during installation or removal processes.

Safety standards are also key considerations when it comes to choosing an appropriate type of slip-resistant flooring for aged care facilities; specific regulatory guidelines such as ASTM D 2047 (Standard Specification for Slip Resistance) exist which dictate how much traction any given surface must offer if it is considered safe enough for public use within an aged care setting. Moreover, using certain protective coatings on top of existing floors can help increase their overall durability while providing further protection against potential accidents caused by slippery surfaces; however these coatings often come at additional cost so they need careful consideration before implementation in an already budgeted facility project plan.


The selection of flooring for aged care facilities has a significant impact on the safety and wellbeing of residents. It is essential for facility managers to consider slip resistance when making their choice. When measuring slip resistance, it is important to understand the different factors involved such as coefficient of friction, surface porosity, and texture. As well as providing a safe environment, slip-resistant flooring can also improve hygiene in the facility by reducing dust and dirt accumulation. The types of slip-resistant flooring available vary from vinyl to rubber surfaces and should be selected based on the specific needs of each facility. Finally, regular maintenance and cleaning are necessary to ensure that slip-resistance remains effective over time. Through careful consideration in selecting appropriate flooring according to its level of slip resistance, aged care facilities can create a safe environment for their residents while still maintaining an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

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